Right now, crystal commerce use TCG player market Data as a guideline for prices.
It's also set in USD when we, Canadian shops are priced in Canadian dollar.
We should have a system that follows pricing through regions. It makes a overall median prices based on the crystal commerce data ( companies using crystal commerce platform )in your region.
Another solution also would be for us Canadians to follow the prices of Face to Face instead of TCG player. Face to Face is the biggest / THE reference in Canada. In Canadian dollars of course. Crystal commerce already have that Data. Face to face is part of the crystal commerce deserved shops.
That would be an alternative to the TCG player market Data in USD. The market is different and sometime there's quite a difference in prices from US to Canada.
Great idea, thanks for the feedback. We don't have the Canadian pricing data you are looking for (and FacetoFaceGames currently isn't with us). This isn't the perfect solution, but we're working on a "pricing tool" feature for the future that will allow you to pull TCG Player Market prices for your inventory and you can alter the prices with multiplier and modifiers (for example you could increase the TCG Player Market Prices by 10% for your inventory pricing). You'd probably have to do a little math, but should be able to get your pricing around where you want it.
If at all possible in the future we will try to find a Canadian pricing solution.